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How value-based care can reduce administrative burdens and streamline workflow

Updated: Mar 23, 2023

Value-based care is a healthcare model that prioritizes positive patient outcomes and quality care delivery over the number of services provided. This model has been gaining popularity in the United States due to its ability to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs. One of the significant benefits of value-based care is its ability to reduce administrative burdens and streamline workflow for healthcare providers. In this blog post, we will explore how value-based care can achieve this.

Reduced Administrative Burdens

In a traditional fee-for-service healthcare model, healthcare providers face several administrative tasks such as billing, coding, and claims management. These tasks can be time-consuming and take up a significant amount of healthcare providers' time. In contrast, value-based care models incentivize providers to focus on delivering high-quality care to patients, which can reduce administrative burdens. This can lead to more time spent on patient care, improved patient outcomes, and greater job satisfaction for providers.

Streamlined Workflow

Value-based care models can also help streamline workflow in healthcare settings. These models prioritize preventative care and early intervention, which can reduce the need for expensive hospitalizations or emergency department visits. This can help healthcare providers streamline their workflow and better manage their patient populations.

Value-based care models often use care coordination and patient engagement tools, such as telehealth and patient portals, to help providers communicate with patients more effectively. This can lead to more efficient care delivery and fewer administrative tasks. For example, patients can use telehealth to schedule appointments, check test results, and communicate with providers, reducing the need for administrative staff to manage these tasks.


Value-based care models can reduce administrative burdens and streamline workflow in healthcare settings. By incentivizing providers to focus on preventative care and early intervention, value-based care models can help reduce the need for administrative tasks and promote more efficient care delivery. The use of care coordination and patient engagement tools can further streamline workflow and lead to improved patient outcomes. Overall, the transition to a value-based care model can help providers achieve better job satisfaction, improve patient care, and reduce healthcare costs.

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